Following are some of the
prominent persons in recent history to whom Larry is related. For details
click on the name of interest below.
Following are some of the
prominent persons in recent history to whom Sandy is related. For details
click on the name of interest below.
Larry's Family Relationship
the Monarchy of Great Britain
In the following lines of
descent from the common ancestors (Augustine Warner, Jr. and Mildred Reade),
the name in direct descent is given first with the spouse's name given second.
For each generation, the ancestry of the Monarchy is on the first line, and
the ancestry of Larry is indented on the second line preceded by an *. The
line of descent for the Monarchy of Great Britain was taken from "The
Royal Descents of 500 Immigrants to the American Colonies or the United
States," by Gary Boyd Roberts, 1993, Genealogical Publ. Co., Baltimore,
p. 468.
Col. Augustine Warner, Jr. married Mildred Reade
Sisters Mary Warner mar. John Smith, Jr.
*Elizabeth Warner mar. John Lewis III
1st Cousins Mildred Smith mar. Robert Porteus1
*Col. Robert Lewis mar. Jane Meriwether
2nd Cousins Robert Porteus, Jr. mar. Judith Cockayne
*Elizabeth Lewis mar. Rev. Robert Barret
3rd Cousins Mildred Porteus mar. Robert Hodgson
*Capt. William Barret mar. Dorothy Winston
4th Cousins Robert Hodgson, Jr. mar. Mary Tucker
*Ann Nancy Barret mar. Gen. James Joseph Allen
5th Cousins Henrietta Mildred Hodgson mar. Oswald Smith
*Alexander W. Allen mar. Mary Elizabeth Barret
6th Cousins Frances Dora Smith mar. Claude Bowes-Lyon
(13th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne)
*William James Allen mar. Levinia Jane Swogger
7th Cousins Lady Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon, H.M. Queen Elizabeth,
The Queen Mother mar. H.M. George VI, King of Great Britain2
*Louis Richard Allen mar. Margaret Regina Copeland
8th Cousins H.M. Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of Great Britain3 mar.
H.R.H. Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark,
Duke of Edinburgh
*Lena Mabel Allen mar. Andrew M. Foreman
9th Cousins H.R.H. Prince Charles Philip Arthur George of Great Britain,
Prince of Wales mar. Lady Diana Frances Spencer,
formerly The Princess of Wales
*Larry Don Foreman mar. Sandra Lee Turk
10th Cousins H.R.H. Prince William Arthur Philip Louis of Wales
and H.R.H. Prince Henry Charles Albert David of Wales
*Melissa Louise Foreman mar. Brian Joe Neely
*and Andrew John Foreman mar. Michelle Marie Mills
*and Amy Suzanne Foreman mar. Douglas Kirk Lane
1. Robert Porteus was born in Virginia, but returned to England
with his father.
2. George VI was King of England, 1936-1952.
3. Elizabeth II is Queen of England, 1952-present.
Larry's Family Relationship to
George Washington, First President of the United States
In the following lines of
descent from the common ancestors (Augustine Warner, Jr. and Mildred Reade),
the name in direct descent is given first with spouse's name given second. For
each generation, the ancestry of George Washington is on the first line, and
the ancestry of Larry is indented on the second line preceded by an *. After
second cousins, only Larry's lineage is given. The ancestry of George
Washington is available from many sources.
Col. Augustine Warner, Jr. married Mildred Reade
Sisters: Mildred Warner mar. Lawrence Washington
*Elizabeth Warner mar. John Lewis III
1st Cousins: Augustine Washington mar. Mary Ball
*Col. Robert Lewis mar. Jane Meriwether
2nd Cousins: George Washington mar. Martha Dandridge
*Elizabeth Lewis mar. Rev. Robert Barret
2nd Cousins Once Removed: *Capt. William Barret mar. Dorothy Winston
2nd Cousins Twice Removed: *Ann Nancy Barret mar. Gen. James Joseph Allen
2nd Cousins Thrice Removed: *Alexander W. Allen mar. Mary Elizabeth Barret
2nd Cousins Four Times Removed: *William James Allen mar. Levinia Jane Swogger
2nd Cousins Five Times Removed: *Louis Richard Allen mar. Margaret Regina Copeland
2nd Cousins Six Times Removed: *Lena Mabel Allen mar. Andrew M. Foreman
2nd Cousins Seven Times Removed:*Larry Don Foreman mar. Sandra Lee Turk
2nd Cousins Eight Times Removed:*Melissa Louise Foreman mar. Brian Joe Neely
and *Andrew John Foreman mar. Michelle Marie Mills
and *Amy Suzanne Foreman mar. Douglas Kirk Lane
Larry's Family Relationship
Meriwether Lewis, Explorer of the West
In the following lines of
descent from the common ancestors (Col. Robert Lewis and Jane Meriwether), the
name in direct line of descent is given first with the spouse's names given
second. For each generation, the ancestry of Meriwether Lewis is on the first
line, and the ancestry of Larry is indented on the second line preceded by an
*. After first cousins, only the lineage of Larry is shown. The ancestry of
Meriwether Lewis is available from many sources.
Col. Robert Lewis mar. Jane Meriwether
Siblings: William Lewis mar. Lucy Meriwether1
*Elizabeth Lewis mar. Rev. Robert Barret
1st Cousins: Meriwether Lewis
*Capt. William Barret mar. Dorothy Winston
1st Cousins Once Removed: *Ann Nancy Barret mar. Gen. James Joseph Allen
1st Cousins Twice Removed: *Alexander W. Allen mar. Mary Elizabeth Barret
1st Cousins Thrice Removed: *William James Allen mar. Levinia Jane Swogger
1st Cousins Four Times Removed: *Louis Richard Allen mar. Margaret Regina Copeland
1st Cousins Five Times Removed: *Lena Mabel Allen mar. Andrew M. Foreman
1st Cousins Six Times Removed: *Larry Don Foreman mar. Sandra Lee Turk
1st Cousins Seven Times Removed:*Melissa Louise Foreman mar. Brian Joe Neely
and *Andrew John Foreman mar. Michelle Marie Mills
and *Amy Suzanne Foreman mar. Douglas Kirk Lane
1 William and Lucy were cousins, and she is also descended from a common ancestor of Larry's.
Sandy's Family Relationship to
Franklin Pierce, 14th President of the United States
In the following lines of
descent from the common ancestors (John Johnson and Mary Heath), the name in
direct descent is given first with the spouse's name given second. For each
generation, the ancestry of Pres. Pierce is on the left, and the ancestry of
Sandy is indented on the right. The line of descent for Pres. Pierce was taken
from Ancestors of American Presidents, compiled by Gary Boyd Roberts,
John Johnson=Mary Heath
Siblings Isaac Johnson=Sarah Humphrey Johnson=Eleanor Cheney
1st Cousins Elizabeth Johnson=Henry Bowen Natianiel Johnson=Abigail
2nd Cousins John Bowen=Hannah Brewer Joseph Johnson=Ledya Twitchell
3rd Cousins Abigail Bowen=Caleb Kendrick Elisha Johnson=Mary Gay
4th Cousins Benjamin Kendrick=Sarah Harris Zedikiah Johnson=Ruth Perry
5th Cousins Anna Kendrick=Benjamin Pierce, Jr. Perry J. Johnson=Catherine Underwood
6th Cousins Franklin Pierce David Lysander Johnson=Lois Wilbur
6th Cousins once removed Moses Perry Johnson=Mary Pettigrew
6th Cousins twice removed Beverly Francis Johnson=Margaret Elizabeth Alexander
6th Cousins thrice removed Margaret Elizabeth Johnson=Thomas Eugene Turk
6th Cousins four times removed Sandra Lee (Turk) Foreman
Sandy's Family Relationship
Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States
In the following lines of
descent from the common ancestors (John Whitman and Ruth Reed), the name in
direct descent is given first with the spouse's name given second. For each
generation, the ancestry of Pres. Lincoln is on the left, and the ancestry of
Sandy is indented on the right. The line of descent for Pres. Lincoln was
taken from Ancestors of American Presidents, compiled by Gary Boyd
Roberts, 1989.
John Whitman=Ruth Reed
Sisters Sarah Whitman=Abraham Jones Judith Whitman=Philip King
1st Cousins Sarah Jones=Mordecai Lincoln, Sr. Mary King=John Leonard
2nd Cousins Mordecai Lincoln, Jr.=Hannah Salter Elizabeth Leonard=Meshach Wilbore, Sr.
3rd Cousins John Lincoln=Rebecca Flowers Meshach Wilbore, Jr.=Mehitable Williams
4th Cousins Abraham Lincoln=Bathsheba (Herring?) Meshach Wilbor=Nancy Wiliams
5th Cousins Thomas Lincoln=Nancy Hanks Williams Wilbur=Rebecca Browning
6th Cousins Abraham Lincoln Lois Wilbur=David Lysander Johnson
6th Cousins once removed Moses Perry Johnson=Mary Pettigrew
6th Cousins twice removed Beverly Francis Johnson=Margaret Elizabeth Alexander
6th Cousins thrice removed Margaret Elizabeth Johnson=Thomas Eugene Turk
6th Cousins four times removed Sandra Lee (Turk) Foreman
Sandy's Family Relationship to
William Howard Taft, 27th President of the United States
In the following lines of
descent from the common ancestors (George Fairbanks=Mary Adams), the name in
direct descent is given first with the spouse's name given second. For each
generation, the ancestry of Pres. Taft is on the left, and the ancestry of
Sandy is indented on the right. The line of descent for Pres. Taft was taken
from Ancestors of American Presidents, compiled by Gary Boyd Roberts,
George Fairbanks=Mary Adams
Siblings Mary Fairbanks=Joseph Daniel Elisur Fairbanks=Mary Adams
1st Cousins Eleazer Daniel=Mary Holbrook Mercy Fairbanks=Joshua Underwood
2nd Cousins David Daniel=Huldah Taft Joseph Underwood=Jemimah Leland
3rd Cousins Chloe Daniel=Seth Davenport David Underwood=Bathsheba Adams
4th Cousins Anna Davenport=William Torrey Jonas Underwood=Catherine Boyden
5th Cousins Samuel Davenport Torrey=Susan H. Waters Catherine Underwood=Perry J. Johnson
6th Cousins Louisa Maria Torrey=Alphonso Taft Lois Wilbur=David Lysander Johnson
7th Cousins William Howard Taft Moses Perry Johnson=Mary Pettigrew
7th Cousins once removed Beverly Francis Johnson=Margaret Elizabeth Alexander
7th Cousins twice removed Margaret Elizabeth Johnson=Thomas Eugene Turk
7th Cousins thrice removed Sandra Lee (Turk) Foreman
Sandy's Family Relationship
Calvin Coolidge, 30th President of the United States
In the following lines of
descent from the common ancestors (John Coolidge and Mary Ravens), the name in
direct descent is given first with the spouse's name given second. For each
generation, the ancestry of Pres. Coolidge is on the left, and the ancestry of
Sandy is indented on the right. The line of descent for Pres. Coolidge was
taken from Ancestors of American Presidents, compiled by Gary Boyd
Roberts, 1989. Pres. William Howard Taft is also descended from John Coolidge
and Mary Ravens.
John Coolidge=Mary Ravens
Sisters Simon Coolidge=Hannah Barron John Coolidge, Jr.=Mary Wellington
1st Cousins Obadiah Coolidge=Elizabeth Roose Mary Coolidge=Daniel Livermore
2nd Cousins Obadiah Coolidge, Jr.=Rachel Goddard Mary Livermore=Nathaniel Sherman
3rd Cousins Josiah Coolidge=Mary Jones Asaph Sherman=Lucy Whitney
4th Cousins John Coolidge=Hannah Priest Clara Sherman=John Browning
5th Cousins Calvin Coolidge=Sarah Thompson Rebecca Browning=Williams Wilbur
6th Cousins Calvin Galusha Coolidge=Sarah A. Brewer Lois Wilbur=David Lysander Johnson
7th Cousins John Calvin Coolidge=Victoria J. Moor Moses Perry Johnson=Mary Pettigrew
8th Cousins John Calvin Coolidge, Jr. Beverly Francis Johnson=Margaret Elizabeth Alexander
8th Cousins once removed Margaret Elizabeth Johnson=Thomas Eugene Turk
8th Cousins twice removed Sandra Lee (Turk) Foreman
Sandy's Family Relationship
Herbert Hoover, 31st President of the United States
In the following lines of
descent from the common ancestors (Henry Sherman and Susan Lawrence), the name
in direct descent is given first with the spouse's name given second. For each
generation, the ancestry of Pres. Hoover is on the left, and the ancestry of
Sandy is indented on the right. The line of descent for Pres. Hoover was taken
from Ancestors of American Presidents, compiled by Gary Boyd Roberts,
Henry Sherman=Susan Lawrence
Siblings Anne Sherman=Anthony Whiting John Sherman=Grace Makin
1st Cousins Phoebe Whiting=John Bernard Roose Capt. John Sherman=Martha Palmer
2nd Cousins Elizabeth Bernard=John Dix Joseph Sherman=Elizabeth Winship
3rd Cousins Abigail Dix=Jonathon Grout Nathaniel Sherman=Mary Lawrence
4th Cousins John Grout=Joanna Boynton Asaph Sherman=Lucy Whitney
5th Cousins John Grout, Jr.=Phoebe Spofford Thompson Clara Sherman=John Browning
6th Cousins Phoebe Grout=Jacob Winn Rebecca Browning=Williams Wilbur
7th Cousins Endymia Winn=Thomas Sherwood Lois Wilbur=David Lysander Johnson
8th Cousins Lucinda Sherwood=John Minthorn Moses Perry Johnson=Mary Pettigrew
9th Cousins Theodore Minthorn=Mary Wasley Beverly Francis Johnson=Margaret Elizabeth Alexander
10th Cousins Hulda Randell Minthorn=Jesse Clark Hoover Margaret Elizabeth Johnson=Thomas Eugene Turk
11th Cousins Herbert Clark Hoover Sandra Lee (Turk) Foreman
Sandy's Family Relationship
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32nd President of the United States
In the following lines of
descent from the common ancestors (Humphrey Johnson and Eleanor Cheney), the
name in direct descent is given first with the spouse's name given second. For
each generation, the ancestry of Pres. Roosevelt is on the left, and the
ancestry of Sandy is indented on the right. The line of descent for Pres.
Roosevelt was taken from Ancestors of American Presidents, compiled by
Gary Boyd Roberts, 1989.
Humphrey Johnson=Eleanor Cheney
Siblings Mehitable Johnson=Samuel Hinsdale Nathaniel Johnson=Abigail
1st Cousins Mary Hinsdale=Thomas Sheldon Joseph Johnson=Ledya Twitchell
2nd Cousins Benjamin Sheldon=Mary Strong Elisha Johnson=Mary Gay
3rd Cousins Mary Sheldon=Joseph Lyman, Jr. Zedekiah Johnson=Ruth Perry
4th Cousins Joseph Lyman, III=Anne Jean Robbins Perry J. Johnson=Catherine Underwood
5th Cousins Catherine Robbins Lyman=Warren Delano, Jr. David Lysander Johnson=Lois Wilbur
6th Cousins Sara Delano=James Roosevelt Moses Perry Johnson=Mary Pettigrew
7th Cousins Franklin Delano Roosevelt Beverly Francis Johnson=Margaret Elizabeth Alexander
7th cousins once removed Margaret Elizabeth Johnson=Thomas Eugene Turk
7th cousins twice removed Sandra Lee (Turk) Foreman
Sandy's Family Relationship
George Herbert Bush, 41st President of the United States,
and George Walker Bush, 43rd President of the United States
In the following lines of
descent from the common ancestors (Rev. Richard Ravens and Elizabeth Hedge),
the name in direct descent is given first with the spouse's name given second.
For each generation, the ancestry of Pres. Bush is on the left, and the
ancestry of Sandy is indented on the right. The line of descent for Pres. Bush
was taken from Ancestors of American Presidents, compiled by Gary Boyd
Roberts, 1989.
Rev. Richard Ravens=Elizabeth Hedge
Sisters Grace Ravens=Thomas Rogers Mary Ravens=John Coolidge
1st Cousins Elizabeth Rogers.=Daniel Smith John Coolidge, Jr.=Mary Wellington
2st Cousins Daniel Smith, Jr.=Mary Grant Mary Coolidge=Daniel Livermore
3nd Cousins John Smith=Susanna Mary Livermore=Nathaniel Sherman
4rd Cousins Ephraim Smith=Lucy Stevens Asaph Sherman=Lucy Whitney
5th Cousins Sanford Smith=Priscilla Whipple Clara Sherman=John Browning
6th Cousins Harriet Smith=Obadiah Newcomb Bush Rebecca Browning=Williams Wilbur
7th Cousins Jams Smith Bush=Harriet Eleanor Fay Lois Wilbur=David Lysander Johnson
8th Cousins Samuel Prescott Bush=Flora Sheldon Moses Perry Johnson=Mary Pettigrew
9th Cousins Prescott Sheldon Bush=Dorothy Walker Beverly Francis Johnson=Margaret Elizabeth Alexander
10th Cousins George Herbert Bush Margaret Elizabeth Johnson=Thomas Eugene Turk
10th Cousins once removed Sandra Lee (Turk) Foreman
11th Cousins George Walker Bush Sandra Lee (Turk) Foreman
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